A word from our Chief Fizzacist:​

"Hi! I’m Jonathan, and I run Samuelsons Of Witney, a small drinks producer in Oxfordshire. I’m a pretty nice guy, too nice some have said, so I’m going to be really blunt here so you know where you stand and there are no surprises or hidden charges.  Some things are written a little tongue-in-cheek here, but if you haven't got a sense of humour then you really shouldn't be a small producer!

 When you have questions, please give me a call or arrange a visit!​"

What we’re doing
We’re a small drinks producer that has been asked by other producers if we could help them out, so we’re now opening up our facility to the world at large.  We've gathered a wealth of experience, and we know that that experience is valuable to you too, so our aim is to stop you making the 'big mistakes'.

Our Uniqueness
Since we started we've helped others get started too.  Occasionally some will offer contract bottling services - one of them advertises on Google all day long.  But we know that we're a bit different.  The revenue you bring today is not as important as what we can do together in the future.  We want long term partnerships  This means that we have no desire to 'stiff' you.  We're not a corporate, we're not looking to turn you upside down and shake you til your pockets are empty.  We're human, personable, and we understand what you're going through, and what works.

Our Facility
We’re a small company on a small budget. This means that not everything is as shiny, bright or lovely-looking as we might love it to be were money not an issue. However, everything works and does so well enough to get us 4 Great Taste Gold awards.

You want better/shinier/newer equipment to make your life easier – great, so do we! We’ll charge you more to help cover the extra cost of buying it and your using it. You might find that the equipment is adequate though. Most people do when faced with that decision.